Alessandro Canzian
Commercial Director Capesize up to VLOCs
Alessandro Canzian has over 40 years of experience in the shipping industry and has been with CTM since our inception. Alessandro is the Commercial Director for Capesizes up to VLOCs and oversees all of CTM’s Capesize physical trading activities and Contracts of Affreightment. Today, he is also the co-manager of Capesize Chartering Ltd., the light pool created by CTM and the other founding members of the pool: Star Bulk Carriers Corp., Golden Ocean Group Ltd and Compagnie Maritime Belge (Bocimar).
Prior to joining CTM, he was with Coeclerici Group in Genoa, Italy, for 13 years, starting off in operations and then joining the Capesize Commercial Department in 1997. Throughout his professional onshore career, Alessandro has accumulated immense knowledge regarding vessel trading and operations, making him an invaluable part of CTM. Between 1983 and 1991, he was a deck officer sailing onboard various vessel types, including bulk carriers, tankers, ferries and passenger vessels.
Alessandro has served in the Italian Navy, has held deck officer positions on multiple vessels and holds a Captain’s license.