Mr Antonis Lygakis spoke at Capital Links first Cyprus Shipping Forum
On the ninth of February 2017, our Technical Director – Antonis Lygakis spoke at Capital Link’s first Cyprus Shipping Forum. The event was a huge success attracting over four hundred delegates from all around the world and members from the growing shipping community in Cyprus. This inaugural event was held at the Columbia Plaza in Limassol, Cyprus, which Capital Link plans to organise on a yearly basis.
We at C Transport Maritime (CTM) are honoured that one of our executive members was invited to speak at the first of these events. Mr. George A. Tsavliris, Principal of Tsavliris Salvage Group and Chairman of INTERMEPA (International Marine Environment Protection Association) was the Chairman of the Conference. This event had a full panel of renowned shipping experts and the key note speakers were the following:
- Marios Demetriades, Minister of Transport Communications & Works of the Republic of Cyprus
- Martin Stopford, non-Executive President of Clarkson Research Services Ltd
- Zhang Ye, President of Shanghai Shipping Exchange.
Mr Lygakis was invited to speak on the panel discussion on the topic of: “Optimizing Technical Fleet Management”. This is an area where Mr Lygakis has significant knowledge drawing upon over 30 years of experience in the technical field. This panel was moderated by Dr. John Kokarakis the Vice President of Bureau Veritas Hellas S.A., Mr Lygakis was joined on this panel by the following persons of note:
- Theo G. Baltatzis, General Manager – Technomar Shipping Inc.
- Stavros Meidanis, DPA/ CSO, S&Q Manager – Capital Ship Management Corp.
- Carsten Sommerhage, CEO – Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd.
During his time on the panel Mr Lygakis stated the following:

“Over the last years, the shipping industry has evolved significantly; the development of new technologies has radically changed the life on board and the managers’ practices. The crews are not alone on board anymore. They have daily communication and social life. At the same time is possible to get assistance or expert opinion on short notice for any technical aspect. As managers, the Web has become a strong tool in our everyday lives. It enables us either to find suitable suppliers/service providers, to have access to various databases (PSCs, Right Ship, Class, Flag, SIRE, OCIMF etc.), or to monitor in real time the ship’s position and performance. The new technologies are everywhere, like the remote-control units/drones for the inspections, electronic planned maintenance systems, U/W brush machines for the UW cleaning etc. The new technologies have provided significant improvement for support and assistance. At the same time, also have created an obligation for the companies as no one anymore can ignore rules and regulations. The Managers obligations nowadays are “Compliance” and “Transparency”.
To watch the entire panel, click here
We at C Transport Maritime S.A.M. would like to thank the organisers of the event for their kind invitation to this illustrious event and to thank all the sponsors who contributed towards it. Having spoken to Antonis about the event, we understand that it was a success from his point of view. He was humbled to be asked to speak at this conference surrounded by such distinguished individuals from throughout the shipping industry.